Star Cross Fire Commissioner

 2024 Meeting Dates

Month     Date     Day

January 8th Monday

February 12nd Monday

March 11th Monday

April 8th Monday

May 13th Monday

June 10th Monday

July 8th Monday

August 12th Monday

September 9th Monday

October 14th Monday

November 11th Monday

December 9th Monday

​Treasurer: Brett Huhges


The mission of the Township of Franklin Fire District #5 is to provide a professional level of community fire protection and rescue services to the citizens and property owners within the Star Cross community, in order to prevent or minimize the loss of life, pain and suffering and property damage as a result of fire or other type of emergency.


The Fire District’s mission will be accomplished by the effective use of volunteers and physical resources, in cooperation with other public agencies, utilizing state-of -the-art equipment, innovative techniques. And available technology to provide a high level of cost efficient, quality service.

Commissioner: Brian Zimmer

Board of Commissioners

Commissioner: Dirk  Eggink

Vice Chairman: James Rohrer

Chairman: Joseph Petsch

​​Star Cross Volunteer Fire Company